She added that the towers, planned in the early Sixties, were an outdated "money-sucker" that would have cost more to modernise than to rebuild altogether, which is why they were destroyed. She said: "It was a money-sucker because they were finished, it seems to me, by 1973, and to re-cable all that, to bring up-to-date all the technology and everything, it was a lot more expensive, that work, than destroying them."
Cotillard's stardom and increased earning power looked assured following her Oscar win. But after her outburst, in which she also queried the 1969 Moon landings, a successful future in Hollywood appears to be in jeopardy. She said: "Did a man really walk on the Moon? I saw plenty of documentaries on it, and I really wondered. And in any case I don't believe all they tell me, that's for sure."
Ah. . .a woman after my own heart!
Listen, there is a SERIOUS problem in Amerika. . .get over *9/11* already. It is absolutely absurd that this pretty, talented woman’s opinion on *9/11* should cause a *political row.*
Are we looking at a future in Amerika where there will be *9/11 laws* like the holocaust laws in much of the rest of the world? That it will become a crime to question the *official* story of *9/11?*
Amerikans are in danger of following the zionists tragic path, in which they substituted their suffering for God’s sacrifice. Will Amerikans do the same?
Even if Amerikans never sacralize *9/11* the way the zionists have sacralized the holocaust, Amerikans have still become SERIOUSLY unhinged. Amerikan Nationalism is idolatry. Amerikans have placed their nation above God.
Look how sensitive Amerikans are about *9/11*. . .they fly into hysterics whenever anyone *insults* their injury. . .their injury which, in reality, is just a pinprick compared to the injuries she has inflicted upon the rest of the world. . .
The great misfortune for the Amerikans is they cannot see how idolatrous they have become. . .
Amerikans are too damn full of themselves if they can make a best seller out of a book that claims the Lord Jesus Christ fornicated with Mary Magdalene, yet cry like little babies if someone slights their *9/11* collapses of office buildings. . .
Look, I don’t care what anyone says about *9/11* and I don’t care what anyone says about Jesus. . .let everyone say whatever they want. . .everybody is free to do with Christ what they want in this life. . .the very second they cross over to the other side, though, Jesus will do with them what He wants. . .but as a way of gauging the nation’s values, it’s very telling when *9/11* is more venerated than the life of Christ. . .
You got problems, Amerika. . .
Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and today, and forever. . .
Amerika is nothing. . .it didn’t exist in the beginning, when Jesus Christ was the Word. . .it didn’t exist when Jesus was born of a virgin in Bethlehem. . .it didn’t exist when Jesus astonished the teachers in the Temple. . .it didn’t exist when Jesus gave the sermon on the mount. . .it didn’t exist when Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead. . .it didn’t exist when Jesus died on the cross. . .it didn’t exist when Jesus was resurrected. . .
Amerika has a short history completely outside God’s incarnation. . .Amerikans worship themselves because of their piddling half-century empire. . .if Amerika is anything to God, she is the harlot Babylon, and will be burned in one day, as a reward for her wickedness. . .so get over yourself, Amerika. . .human history is filled with murder and misery, and *9/11* barely registers. . .what is *9/11* compared to the fire-bombing of Dresden, the atomic bombing of Hiroshima or Nagasaki, etc., etc., etc., etc., etc., etc.?
Is anyone offended by this pretty, talented woman’s comments? If so, they need to look in the mirror. . .who the Hell are they to be offended? Can a barn choked with cow dung be offended when the visitor says it stinks?
But enough about Amerika’s baseless self-exaltation and her epidemic *9/11* hypochondria. . .
Gee, what an ugly world we live in. . .after Israel’s *shoah* rehearsal in Gaza in which 106 were killed, 25 of them children, we had the inevitable pitiful retaliation: 8 killed in a rabbinical seminary in Jerusalem (of course, our Media ignored the deaths of the Palestinians and only lamented the Israeli dead). . .can Satan cast out Satan? The wars grind on in Iraq and Afghanistan. . rumors of wars in the Balkans and South America. . .the normal everyday misery of Africa. . .the anger and depression which infects our own homeland and fuels the unending street and domestic violence and the spiraling addictions of the sheeple (whether to legal or illegal narcotics, pornography, video games, YouTube or whatever these zombies seek escape in from the *Amerikan Dream*). . .
It really is a grotesque world. . .you can’t talk about it. . .at least, not in Amerika. . .the sheeple are too far gone. . .they look to the military to solve every problem. . .any scapegoat offered by the Military Media Complex as the source of their misery, they automatically want to bomb. . .
There is no peace in the sheeple. . .neither in their culture, nor in their own souls. . .just rage.
The Amerikans, who always call themselves Christian, remind me of the pre-pentecost James and John:
And it came to pass, when the time was come that Jesus should be received up, He stedfastly set His face to go to Jerusalem, And sent messengers before His face: and they went, and entered into a village of the Samaritans, to make ready for Him. And they did not receive Him, because His face was as though He would go to Jerusalem. And when His disciples James and John saw this, they said, Lord, wilt thou that we command fire to come down from heaven, and consume them, even as Elias did? But He turned, and rebuked them, and said, Ye know not what manner of spirit ye are of.
Fire to come down from heaven, that is the sheeples’ answer to everything. . .
This world is a place of violence and ignorance. . .well, I’d like my own little escape, too. . .fed up with being stuck here. . .I need a little break. . .I’d like to associate with someone cultured and amusing. . .so that means not an Amerikan. . .not some dumpy fat woman, some unkempt slob who dresses in sweatpants and sweatshirt day after day after day as she sags her sofa watching *Guiding Light*. . .no, I’d like to associate with someone like:
Marion Cotillard!
What a charming woman!
I’d just like to have dinner with this pretty French woman. . .a nice leisurely meal in a quiet restaurant. . .no other guests shouting pointless chatter into their cell phones and other assorted electronic gizmos. . .but just so the restaurant doesn’t seem creepily empty, I would have attractive, elegantly attired mannequins seated at the other tables—that would make a pleasant backdrop. . .
I’d like to have a long, long conversation with Ms. Cotillard. . .on a variety of topics. . .none of them having anything to do with our present barbaric world. . .I’d like to begin our conversation with a discussion of the alleged Apollo moon landings. . .I think I could hold my own with the lovely French woman. . .I own a copy of William L. Brian II’s very-hard-to-find *Moongate* and have my own doubts about NASA’s claims.
Yes, that’s what I need. . .good food, an attractive face to look at, engaging conversation. . .I bet Mlle. Cotillard is extremely clever and witty. . .
That’s all I ask: just a couple hours relief from the banality of evil. . .
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